Joh's Build Order Reference

Theoretical early deer push, slower fast castle (15-16 minutes), with 4 tcs and a castle.

Resources wood food gold stone builders
3 to build 3 houses, then to sheep 3
6 on sheep 6
1 to build lumber camp then to wood 6 1
3 more to wood 4 6
scout pushes all 4 deer, try to use more deer, less sheep 4 6
1 build mill, go to berries 4 7
2 to meat under tc 4 9
1 lure first boar 4 9
2 build 1-3 houses near berries 4 9 2
after house builders move to berries 4 11
1 lure 2nd boar 4 12
2 more on any food 4 14
2 on wood 6 14
2 on food, start building up to 4 farms 6 16 2
2 build mine then mine gold 6 16 2
1 build mine then mine stone 6 16 2 1
research loom 6 16 2 1
click up at around 8-9 minutes 6 16 2 1
Advancing to Feudal
5 from food to wood 11 11 2 1
2 from food to walk to strategic market site 9 11 2 1 2(walkers)
feudal reached at around 10-12 minutes 9 11 2 1 2
vector tc to gold 9 11 2 1 2
research double bit axe asap 9 11 2 1 2
1 from stone to build blacksmith then house then back to stone 9 11 2 3
walkers arrive and build market 9 11 2 3
4 to gold 9 11 6 3
buildings complete, 2 back to wood, 1 bt stone 9 13 6 1
idle and build farms if necessary click up at 12-13 minutes 9 13 6 1
Advancing to Castle
all gold miners to stone 9 13 7
get ready to build tcs, 3 food to wood, possibly empty farms 6 16 7
1 stone miner and 1 woodcutter to strategically place barracks 6 15 6 2
get bowsaw asap 6 15 6 2
4 farmers leave farms to build 2nd tc near wood 2 15 6 6
vector tc to empty farms 2-? 15 6 6
4 woodcutters leave wood to build 3rd tc near new wood 2 11 6 10
when 2nd tc completes, builders to sheep then wood 6 11 6 6
vector 2nd tc to wood 6 11-? 6 6
build castle with barracks builders asap 6 11-? 6 6
when 2nd tc completes, 4 more from wood to build 4th tc 6 7 6 10
when 3rd tc completes assign builders to sheep then wood 10 7 6 10
when castle and 4 tcs are built/in construction reassign stone miners to gold 6 11-? 6 6
when 4th tc completes assign builders to sheep then wood 14 7-? 6 10
use sheep, Make farms and woodcutters as fast as possible 14 7-? 6 10
get to 30 woodcutters, 30 farms asap, then assign new vills as needed 30 30 6-? ? 2
Build army, build trade carts and more markets, go imp, end of build 30 30 12- ? 2-?


I've been seeing some other players especially in arena and michi games who push their deer very soon. This is in many build orders on this site already, but i often end up not doing it, but this build is focused on it. They do not go for the boar asap, and I actually think going for the boar early is sometimes stressful. It can be effective to lure boars extremely early especially for civs like the lithuanians, persians, and maybe chinese, who can all pretty much get their first boar right away, and then do a fast feudal and/or fast castle, usually allowing them to try for a knight rush at 12-14 minutes, pretty early for knights for most people, or i would guess the chinese would go with feudal archers. Now this is fine, it's a good idea to try this, but trying to do it is stressful, it stresses your economy out, you have to force drop food, you might get housed, and you still have to go get the deer, and it's hard to push deer when there's more things to focus on like houses, the enemy, etc. Now one civ i like Tatars, partially because sheep give them more food and whenever they build a tc, two sheep appear, this seems to be excellent for 4 tc booming, but for the dark age, the more food from sheep is what matters. Extending the lifespan of sheep is probably a good idea for them too, so if i can be eating deer at the start instead of sheep, then get some on berries, get the deer over and done with, then lure the boar, and then still have sheep and berries left over, that seems great. This might be better to do on closed maps like arena and michi. Maybe less so on black forest and amazon tunnel, as those maps are crazy becuase you have to send out early villagers to build walls, not because it's actually a good idea, but because your insane team will get mad and resign if you don't (i'd love to make a black forest team with good or prepared players that does not wall and uses the economic advantage of that to build early siege or something). This idea is maybe bad for arabia because the enemy can rush you or lame your boar a lot more easily, so maybe if you were going to try this on those open maps you'd push one or two but not all 4, idk. Anyway, the whole plan of this build is push deer early, keep sheep alive, don't let the boars bother you as much, and get a good castle time, and be prepared to build 4 tcs and a castle in early castle age. This is a fast castle build order.

Game Where I got this idea from allied player x-saint, i also had a tough civ matchup against a newbie, so i did pretty bad

Game Where I tried to push deer early and it went badly, but I still got to castle in 15 minutes